標籤:silicon valley的貼文

silicon valley相關問答

美國舊金山??Neiman Marcus?

??Neiman Marcus? ? \ https://www.instagram.com/judysweety1026/\ https://www.facebook.com/judysweety/\ #sanfrancisco #instagram #instadaily #travel #travelblogger #travelblog #america #chinatown #goldengatebridge #christmas #america #california #cali #californiaadventure #unionsquare #sanjose #sanjos

secalifornia #siliconvalley #russianhill #nobhill #ferry #ferrybuilding #goldengateferry #goldengate #portofsanfrancisco #palace #fineart #art #palaceoffinearts #palaceoffineartstheatre #palaceoffineartssanfrancisco

美國舊金山??Ferry Building⚓️

⚓️Port of San Francisco??Ferry Building ? Golden gate ferry\ https://www.instagram.com/judysweety1026/\ https://www.facebook.com/judysweety/\ #sanfrancisco #instagram #instadaily #travel #travelblogger #travelblog #america #chinatown #goldengatebridge #christmas #america #california #cali #californi

iaadventure #unionsquare #sanjose #sanjosecalifornia #siliconvalley #russianhill #nobhill #ferry #ferrybuilding #goldengateferry #goldengate #portofsanfrancisco


?fireworks from Fisherman’s Warf?Happy New Year 2018?美國舊金山漁人碼頭的煙火和聯合廣場的歡樂氣氛?\ https://www.instagram.com/judysweety1026/\ https://www.facebook.com/judysweety/\ #sanfrancisco #instagram #instadaily #travel #travelblogger #travelblog #america #chinatown #goldengatebridge #christmas #america #californi

ia #cali #californiaadventure #unionsquare #sanjose #sanjosecalifornia #siliconvalley #russianhill #nobhill #happynewyear #2018 #selfie #newyearselfie #goodvibes #goodvibesonly #positive #challenge #improve #grateful

美國舊金山??聖荷西San Jose?

? 美國San Francisco舊金山開車到??San Jose Cupertino 聖荷西silicon valley矽谷之稱的舊金山南灣聖荷西?記得鎖定粉絲頁Instagram和YouTube影片唷?\ ?YouTube小悠頻道: goo.gl/SfkNUe\ ?Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/judysweety1026/\ ? https://www.facebook.com/judysweety/\ #sanfrancisco #instagram #instadaily #travel #travelblogger #travelblog

g #america #chinatown #goldengatebridge #transamericapyramid #christmastree #christmas #america #california #cali #californiaadventure #saintpeter #saintpeterandpaul #unionsquare #sanjose #sanjosecalifornia #siliconvalley

\ 在美劇「矽谷群瞎傳」中,\ ...

\ 在美劇「矽谷群瞎傳」中,\ 就有一個角色拿了主角的程式碼,\ 然後拿回中國去複製了一個網站準備要上市,\ 大概就是與「搶劫複製」是同樣的意思......\ \ #siliconvalley\ \ 【美國司法部抨擊中國正在用「搶劫複製」式模式傷害美國經濟】\ https://www.te


\ 你常對自己說「我應該要⋯」?戒...

\ 你常對自己說「我應該要⋯」?戒了吧!不要再說「我應該!」\ \ 這幾年,我一直都在幫頂尖科技公司做新創,這些工作通常步調快、不確定高、困難度高、有很多相關單位和接觸不同文化,而且資源有限、競爭激烈,也因此,壓力特別大。我對自己要求很高,常常會對自己說「我應該要做⋯!」無形中,我們在責怪自己不夠好

,給自己更大的壓力,反而影響心情和表現。\ \ 在其他矽谷領袖身上,我學到,與其說「我應該要做個簡報!」,我改成說「我想來做⋯個簡報,它會幫助我⋯更有系統地解說我的想法,也會讓我覺得⋯對這個專案比較有信心。」相較於前者帶給自己負面的情緒,後者的說法幫助自己樂觀正面!\ \ 我想來做⋯! ?\ \ Are you saying “I should...” often?! That might be the reason that you are stressed!\ \ When we said, “I should do...”, it comes with a negative energy. Try to say “I would like to do...because that will help me.... I will feel...if I do that.” \ \ Give it a try! #career #careertips #siliconvalley\

\ 到谷歌拜訪朋友,朋友跟我說這個...

\ 到谷歌拜訪朋友,朋友跟我說這個假花會偵測人的情緒,根據喜怒哀樂改變顏色,但是我懷疑它是依據口臭的程度改變。? Visiting a friend in Google. He told me that the flowers change color based on people’s emotio

n, although I wonder if the color was changed because of bad breath. Lol. Sorry, brother! ?\ \ #出賣阿雅弟 #矽谷公司 #Google #谷歌 #siliconvalley #innovation\


到谷歌拜訪朋友,朋友跟我說這個假花會偵測人的情緒,根據喜怒哀樂改變顏色,但是我懷疑它是依據口臭的程度改變。? Visiting a friend in Google. He told me that the flowers change color based on people’s emotion,

although I wonder if the color was changed because of bad breath. Lol. Sorry, brother! ?\ \ #出賣阿雅弟 #矽谷公司 #Google #谷歌 #siliconvalley #innovation

Reminiscing about...

Reminiscing about my days in high technology. Look at those glasses! Such good memories with friends!\ .\ .\ .\ #nostalgia #nyc #nyctech #tech #silicon

valley #siliconalley #newyork #flatiron #plated #summer #shorts #technology #softwareengineer #softwaredeveloper #softwareengineering #softwaredevelopment #programming

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北加灣區生活費一個月要破$4000?租金到底有多貴? 看完這篇真實記帳費用了解矽谷驚人生活費明細。

#bayarea #灣區 #矽谷 #美國留學 #美國 #美國生活 #灣區生活 #矽谷投資者 #加州 #california #siliconvalley

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睡不著 翻翻9月舊照 想回家了 今天要到矽谷 有人也在矽谷嗎 現在時刻 清晨06:20 Can’t

sleep flipping through old photos from September I really want to go home Today in #siliconvalley Who’s in Silicon Valley today 06:20am mood

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矽谷誕生的第一家新創如今也是全球最大PC製造公司- 惠普(hp)和全球科技領先代表- Apple賈伯斯

當年分別的創業車庫。其實很多成功人士的故事聽起來都好像很合理一樣,但當年又有誰會想到呢?”車庫規則”其實就和台灣的”黑手精神”或”皮箱經濟”有類似的道理,很多事只有試過才會知道結果,而且要相信人生絕沒有白走的路#矽谷車庫之旅#paloalto #losaltos #sanjose #siliconvalley #hp #apple

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Reminiscing about my days in high technology. Look

at those glasses! Such good memories with friends!⁣ ⁣.⁣ ⁣.⁣ ⁣.⁣ ⁣#nostalgia #nyc #nyctech #tech #siliconvalley #siliconalley #newyork #flatiron #plated #summer #shorts #technology #softwareengineer #softwaredeveloper #softwareengineering #softwaredevelopment #programming

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#sanfrancisco . . . #shotbyjanet #sf #cityart #liv

einspireempower #startuplife #bayarea #california #taiwanese #taiwaneseinusa #femaleentrepreneur #youngprofessionals #20something #thisislife #sanfrancisco #morningcoffee #siliconvalley #citymall